
Lost in my mind, I am swarmed by my thoughts,
Little floating beauties, filling up my senses,
The tornado of bubbles, all look like dots,
Melancholy and sadness, all I need are defenses,
Death and darkness taunt me, light joins them; a betrayal,
Hope abandons me, I am full with everything else,
The home is a house, the eternal threshold a portrayal,
The lowest of the low, the tangibility melts.

A spark flies, the glow of a smoldering match,
It lights up the dead leaves, at home inside me,
“Ah!” I spoke, “life reignited; without a scratch”,
The soul emboldened, the life filled with glee,
The craving for connection, reality has hatched,
I live on, having bequeathed myself to the elements,
Love and joy in the darkest corner, hate is just a patch,
It is all just tenacity, survival has no sentiments.

April 16, 2018

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